The Valley - Prices

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200.000 €
Tipo de interés
Localización del inmueble

Energy rating A and BREEAM Good rating. This seal is a guarantee of construction quality for the homeowner, while providing economic benefits and health and well-being for its occupants.

Communal areas

There is a large landscaped garden, which houses the community swimming pool with saline chlorination and solarium, an access control booth, a children's play area and a multifunctional community room equipped with a cold kitchen.


Reinforced concrete foundations and structure, according to project specifications and CTE.


Exterior facade enclosure in brick masonry with single-layer mortar finish and ceramic material imitation wood cladding. Complementing the exterior face, an interior wall cladding is added.


For the interior partition walls of the houses, we have chosen a system of dry partition walls with double plate, which improves the behavior of these partition walls against dilatations, eliminating cracks.

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Exterior carpentry

The exterior carpentry will be made of aluminum with thermal bridge break, with hinged and/or sliding doors. The carpentry is accompanied by the installation of double glazing with waterproof chamber.

Housing walls

The walls of the house will be finished with smooth plastic paint. In the kitchens, the area between the kitchen furniture will be finished with glass lining, the rest of the room will be finished with smooth plastic paint.


Customized with KRONOS SELECT catalog, among different finishes of AC4synthetic wood laminate flooring or 1st quality porcelain stoneware. Outdoor terraces with 1st quality non-slip stoneware paving.

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Interior carpentry

The access door to the apartment will be reinforced with a security lock and a wide-angle peephole. Interior doors will be lacquered, hinged or sliding, and there will be built-in closets with hinged or sliding doors.

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Sanitary fixtures

The main bathroom will have a shower tray, thermostatic faucets, tele-shower, all from PORCELANOSA GROUP or similar. The secondary bathroom will be equipped with bathtub and mixer taps by PORCELANOSA GROUP or similar.


Kitchen furniture, of a modern design, having low and high modules in laminate finish and Silestone countertop and fronts or similar. Possibility to customize the kitchen according to KRONOS SELECT catalog.

Air conditioning

Under-floor heating, cooling, and DHW, produced by aero-thermal heat pumps. Aero-thermal heat pumps recover energy from the surrounding air and transfer it to the water circuits of the house.


Electrical installation in compliance with REBT, with plugs and mechanisms exceeding the minimum established. The rooms will have top-quality design elements.

The Valley
You can find us at our office in Colmenar, where we will be waiting to tell you everything The Valley can offer you.
C/ Josefina Castelvi 15, vivienda 24. 28770 - Colmenar Viejo (Madrid)
+34 617 755 652
You can call us L-V 10:30h a 14:00h 16:00h a 19:30h Sábados de 10:00h a 14:00h
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The Valley
You can find us at our office in Colmenar, where we will be waiting to tell you everything The Valley can offer you.
C/ Josefina Castelvi 15, vivienda 24. 28770 - Colmenar Viejo (Madrid)
+34 617 755 652
You can call us L-V 10:30h a 14:00h 16:00h a 19:30h Sábados de 10:00h a 14:00h
How do I get there
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