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Badalona, the city that has it all
To live in Badalona is to enjoy the best of the Mediterranean lifestyle: leisure, culture, gastronomy, and all this just half an hour from the center of Barcelona.
Badalona is perfectly communicated with the capital so you will enjoy all the services of Barcelona just 30 minutes away
In Badalona you have the beach within walking distance, as well as the marina and the beautiful promenade, with its typical restaurants on the sand
The cultural life of Badalona will not fail to impress you: museums, libraries, film seasons, music festivals. And all within walking distance from home

Conoce cúales serán tus gastos.

Esta calculadora de hipotecas te permite calcular al instante tu futuro préstamo hipotecario. Con solo introducir algunos datos como el importe de tu futura vivienda, plazo e interés, evitarás sorpresas de última hora. No te lo pienses más e infórmate de cuánto te costará comprar la casa con la que siempre has soñado.

200.000 €
Tipo de interés
Localización del inmueble


Badalona is one of the most prominent towns in Catalonia. Thanks to an unprecedented urban planning project, its industrial façade has been transformed into an example of planning and heritage conservation. The Gorg navigable channel, the marina and its almost 5 kilometers of beach make it possible to enjoy the Mediterranean in a natural environment equipped with all urban services. 


In addition, its proximity to Barcelona has not been an obstacle to developing its own urban personality, in which its modernist buildings, its Romanesque church of Santa Maria, or the Anís del Mono factory stand out. A modern and Mediterranean city that looks to the 21st century while honoring its industrial past and its Roman roots.

When you discover where Blue is and we give you all the details, you won't want to live anywhere else. Visit us at our sales office.
Calle del Mare Nostrum esquina Con Calle de la Mar Jonica 08918 Badalona
+34 695 874 488
You can call us Monday: from 4 pm to 7 pm. Tuesday to Friday: from 10 am to 2 pm, and from 4 pm to 7 pm. Saturday, from 10 am to 2pm.
How do I get there

Cómo llegar

When you discover where Blue is and we give you all the details, you won't want to live anywhere else. Visit us at our sales office.
Calle del Mare Nostrum esquina Con Calle de la Mar Jonica 08918 Badalona
+34 695 874 488
You can call us Monday: from 4 pm to 7 pm. Tuesday to Friday: from 10 am to 2 pm, and from 4 pm to 7 pm. Saturday, from 10 am to 2pm.
How do I get there
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