Naia - Zone

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Naia, mountain, beach and Barcelona
To live in Naia is to have it all: besides being only 20 kilometers from Barcelona's Plaça de Catalunya, the city centre. Its municipal area make up a habitat of great scenic value with all the services you need.
The proximity of the Catalan capital puts at Naia disposal all the amenities of one of the major European cities
In its four kilometers of coastline, Gavà has two sandy beaches framed by dunes and pine forests.
Gavà is half an hour from Barcelona, 7 kilometers from El Prat Airport and has a Rodalíes train station

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200.000 €
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No matter if you are more mountain or beach lover, if you like to just walk around the city or if you don't know how to live without being able to get close to Barcelona. You no longer have to choose. In Gavà you have at your disposal one of the richest natural environments of the province. In fact, a third of its territory corresponds to the Garraf Natural Park, where you can walk through its forest trails and discover the hermitage of Mare de Déu, or the ruins of the castle of Eramprunyà.



And you can't miss the coastline either, which preserves a large pine forest and an extensive orchard area, before reaching its two beaches, next to the Gavà Mar neighborhood, where you can taste the local cuisine in one of its restaurants located right on the coast.

When you discover Naia and we tell you all the details, you won't want to live anywhere else. Call us or write to us for more information.

Pg. de Gràcia, 78, 5º2ª L'Eixample, 08008 Barcelona

How do I get there

Cómo llegar

When you discover Naia and we tell you all the details, you won't want to live anywhere else. Call us or write to us for more information.

Pg. de Gràcia, 78, 5º2ª L'Eixample, 08008 Barcelona

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