Nolita - Zone

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History looks to the future
Thanks to its continuous expansion, Valladolid has opted for a new city model, green and urbanistically responsible, in which Nolita has been a real residential landmark.
The main city of Castilla y León and seat of the regional government is a large urban center with all the services you need
Nolita is located in El Peral, a neighborhood close to the center, but newly created, with wide avenues and green areas
Schools, high schools, sports centers, health centers, hospitals, shopping centers and universities. Valladolid has everything

Conoce cúales serán tus gastos.

Esta calculadora de hipotecas te permite calcular al instante tu futuro préstamo hipotecario. Con solo introducir algunos datos como el importe de tu futura vivienda, plazo e interés, evitarás sorpresas de última hora. No te lo pienses más e infórmate de cuánto te costará comprar la casa con la que siempre has soñado.

200.000 €
Tipo de interés
Localización del inmueble


Valladolid is one of the most historic cities in Spain. The city of Pisuerga is, in addition to being the capital of its province, the seat of the Parliament and the Autonomous Government of Castilla y León. A preeminent position that dates back centuries, as we can see in the spectacular Renaissance buildings of the historic center, and that today is established as a cultural center, thanks to events such as the International Film Week. 


It also has large green spaces, such as the Campo Grande and the Ribera de Castilla Park, a tradition of gardens that is maintained in the Peral, where Nolita is located, a new area just 15 minutes from downtown and with access to all kinds of services, such as schools, hospitals, colleges and universities.

Nolita's show home is at the foot of the project, so that you can check that there is a new residential model never seen before in Valladolid.
Calle Padre Chaminade, 31. 47008, Valladolid.
+34 619 17 56 81
You can call us Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. And in the afternoons on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The office will be closed on the following days: from Saturday 21 December it will be closed for Christmas. Outside of these hours, as always, appointments can be scheduled in advance
How do I get there

Cómo llegar

Nolita's show home is at the foot of the project, so that you can check that there is a new residential model never seen before in Valladolid.
Calle Padre Chaminade, 31. 47008, Valladolid.
+34 619 17 56 81
You can call us Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. And in the afternoons on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The office will be closed on the following days: from Saturday 21 December it will be closed for Christmas. Outside of these hours, as always, appointments can be scheduled in advance
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